In the face of environmental degradation and unemployment,Ange Imanishimwe is creating thousands of jobs through biodiversity conservation in Rwanda. In this interview with Project Inspire Africa,Ange shares his story and its impacts in Rwandan communities. Can we meet you? My name is Dr Ange Imanishimwe, PhD, a 35-year-old Rwandan citizen. I love watching the wildlife and mobilization on biodiversity conservation. Tell us briefly your childhood experience. From a young age, I committed to creating a good change in my community by integrating biodiversity conservation, community health, agriculture, entrepreneurship, climate protection, and sustainable development in Rwanda. When I was a child, I was used to watch the animals especially birds and grasshoppers and was amazed by discovering what the nature has. I remember that I was used to forbid the kids from destructing the nests of the birds and from killing the animals. No wonder today I am a ...
Telling one story at a time; amplifying the voices of young people.