Busaosowo Foundation began its operations in Kebbi State in February, 2018 poised with the objective of identifying and responding to the issues affecting youths,families and national development. One of the first things that worried us was the level of street begging. Surprisingly, a large number of those begging were those with disabilities. In response to this, we began #PROJECT#DAP- The Disabled Are People Too with the intent of helping persons with disability get integrated into the society. We began by launching advocacy programs on television persuading the society to see these special persons as people created by God and deserving a good life. We encouraged persons with disability to see themselves as having all it takes to be self-reliant. The television program ran for six months. In the same month we began operation, three of our team members volunteered as youth development coaches at the Kebbi State School of Special Needs where numerous personality development and...
Telling one story at a time; amplifying the voices of young people.