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Showing posts from May, 2019


Due to the numerous difficulties we face in Nigeria and our history of failed leadership, many youth have lost hope in the future of this nation. However, many doesn't mean all. Offiong David Bassey is among the generation of a few who believe that hope is not lost. He is a young thought leader and Program Manager for My Hero Community Development Initiative (MHCDI). In this interview with Project_Inspire, David gives insight into his childhood and his work as a social entrepreneur. PROJECT_INSPIRE : Can we meet you? DAVID  : My name is Offiong David Bassey. I’m 24 years old, from the Efik tribe of Cross River State.   PROJECT_INSPIRE : Give us a summary of your childhood. DAVID  : Right from when I was a child, I have always wanted to be a blessing to my environment. Most times Id always do things differently from other children. I wanted to live to be a blessing which led me into choosing careers such as Medicine, Pure Science, Law and the like [smiles]. Ho...