PROJECT_INSPIRE: Good day, let's meet you please .
Maureen: My name is Maureen Ogechi Alikor. I am from Rivers State.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Tell us briefly about your childhood.
Maureen: I grew up in a family of two, I am the eldest. I have a sister. Although I have a half-sister and a half-brother.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Tell us about your educational background?
Maureen : I hold a Bachelor of Education degree in English Studies from the College of Education, Rumuolumeni Rivers State, now Ignatius Ajuru University of Education.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What are your contributions towards making Nigeria a better place?
Maureen: I believe that the building of Nigeria and the building of the world we live in is our collective responsibility, and everyone should seek out an area where their impact can be felt. As a person, I am passionate about self and purpose discovery, personal development and the transformation of the mind as a tool for growth and development. I am actively and passionately involved in one on one coaching and mentoring of young people looking to discover and deploy their God-given gifts, talents and abilities. I am also involved in helping rape and sexual abuse victims recover . With a team of highly spirited young people under the aegis of Demystify Abuse Campaign (the nonprofit I lead), we put together outreaches, campaigns, coaching sessions and other programs where we address issues like mental alertness, personal development, rape and sexual abuse. We also hold therapeutic informal hangouts called Vulnerability Fest which creates a safe space where people can share and unburden deep traumatic events which oftentimes may have created some psychological, emotional and mental damages, pain, hurt and personal struggles. We are also looking to train survivors and furnish them with skills for active and purposeful reintegration into the society.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What motivated you to do what you are doing?
Maureen: I am motivated and inspired by personal experiences, the need to see a better Nigeria and the desire to see people unleash to the world the greatness in them; having survived sexual abuse and rape, the former happened before I was fourteen and the latter on the 16th of November, 2016 by armed robbers. With a gun pointed to my head, the robbers threatened to make sure I didn't graduate from the university if I ever told anyone I had been raped (apparently, he thought I was still a student. He was four years late). I knew I couldn't be threatened into silence, I also knew the path of silence would leave me broken and wounded as it does for many others who has survived rape too. Having experienced something similar, I knew how much time it took for me to heal from the previous experience simply because I was scared to open up, I decided I wouldn't let that happen. I also thought about other victims and how their lives had been caged by shame, trauma and emotional distress simply because they hadn't been able to open up. I wanted as many people as possible to speak up on their experiences thereby placing the shame where it rightly belonged: not on them. Sitting on a staircase I asked myself WHAT NEXT? Would I obey the rapist and remain mute? or speak up and risk death or whatever would come after. I had wanted to do something along the lines of rape and sexual abuse, but the November 16th incident instilled in me the urgency: that's how Demystify Abuse Campaign officially started.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What are your achievements?
Maureen : Some progress has been made, and I am grateful to God. we have visited 5 Secondary Schools, 2 IDP camps in Nigeria. We have held one Outdoor Outreach, Two indoor Gathering under Vulnerability Fest. Through the help of our donors, partners and the general public, we have donated clothes, food and household items, drugs, sanitary pads, shoes, bags, books, other school stationery to the schools, IDP camps and the outdoor outreach. We have reached more than 5000 people in three years and in the coming year we hope to do more as we take steps towards putting an end to rape and other sexual related offences.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Tell us more about what you are doing and how it helps our nation to realise its full potential?
Maureen : I believe a nation grows when its citizens are grow and utilize their individual potentials. And we have seen a lack in the potential development industry in Nigeria, so we teach, train, mentor and coach for the bigger purpose of national development, but we do it one person at a time through the various initiatives I am associated with, but with demystify Abuse Campaign, the non-profit initiative, we are ensuring that those who have survived rape are not limited and discouraged from chasing their dreams, discovering and deploying their gifts, purposes and potentials.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What are your major challenges since you began your nonprofit?
Maureen : Ignorance has been the greatest challenge, many people are unaware of the aftereffects of some of the experiences they've had, they are also unaware of the possibility of freedom, recovery from the trauma and how it can be channeled into something productive. The experiences are not totally useless and all pain, beautiful initiatives can be born through them too. Plus, many people still believe that silence is the best option after such incident, but time has proven it isn't. That's why we hold awareness campaigns intended to bring the society to the awareness of these issues. Finance has also been a limiting factor, but we believe we will do more when we have more, but while we pray for more resources, we will keep doing what we can with what is available to us.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Many young people have great ideas, but lack of funds is always a stumbling block. What will be your advice in this regard?
Maureen : Firstly, START WITH WHAT YOU HAVE, no matter how small. Most times, we feel we cant do much because we dont have enough, but through experience I have realized that its better to start with what is on ground, do what you can with what you have and when more comes, you can always increase your impact and reach. I have come to learn that lack of funds is usually the lie and excuse the devil puts in our head to stop us from doing and birthing all the beautiful ideas we have in mind. Secondly, BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. Human capital is one resource many people are ignoring and they do this to their own detriment. There are a lot of things that our human relationships will help us do that we wouldnt have been able to do on our own. As a matter of fact, I believe there are so many things in our lives we are not supposed to do by ourselves, because God has made the provision in other people who would do them, only if we are connected with and to them. It is an ecosystem. Through this ecosystem, we would have many needs met and many responsibilities shared. We are relational beings and God put dependency on us as a blessing so we can always seek help. Too many times, we think money answers all things, but there are some things that only relationship would answer. So start with what you have and build meaning relationships.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: How have you been able to raise money to implement your ideas?
Maureen: I start with what I have, then I leverage on my relationships. Thank God for the power of the internet and social media, I am building more relationships with more people I have never met and when a need arises, they always assist in remarkable ways. We have also received sponsorship, donations and partnerships.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Could you share with us one or two experience(s) you have had in the course of teaching the game that has really impacted on you?
Maureen : Nothing has been more meaningful for me in this journey than seeing survivors of rape break the silence and navigate the path of recovery, freedom and healing because in their words, "they found the courage to share because I was courageous enough to share my story". Recently, in one of our hangouts, we shared many things and one of us needed a career shift. She wasnt enjoying her job and needed encouragement and motivation to pursue her passion and of course build a business around it, and she is already on the path of chasing her passion and she is so rejuvenated and enthusiastic about it. These two and many more testimonies have impacted me so much and I wonder what could have happened if I was bullied into silence or didnt let my dream come alive.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What are your prospects in the next 5 to 10 years?
Maureen : I believe we would have raised more awareness on surviving rape for those who had already been raped, made progress in our mission to curb rape and the mindset that feed it.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What do you think is the major cause of unemployment among youths today and how can we get over this?
Maureen : Hmm, a lot of factors will be blamed for the rising unemployment we are faced with, the government, our educational system, and the people too. We are playing more of the blame game than the job creation game, we should quit looking for who to blame and take up the initiative to birth ideas, create jobs and end unemployment.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What would you say is the major role of youths in our national development process?
Maureen: Young people are the present and future of a nation, if they do not rise and ensure they deploy their potentials, the nation where things work and which they greatly desire will remain a mirage.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: How can you be reached on social media for those who want to be part of what you are doing?
Maureen: I am @maureenalikor on every social media platform. But the initiative is @demystifyabuse on all social media platforms.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Your final words for the Nigerian youth.
Maureen: You have a role in national development and you must rise. You are a bundle of talents, abilities and gifts; unwrap yourself. The nation needs you, the world awaits and you also need yourself to be happy, fulfilled and satisfied.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Thank you for sharing your story with us and we do pray that many will be inspired as they read.
Maureen : The pleasure is mine!
Many thanks to our guest editor Mr.Ibeh Miracle.+234 817 180 4834
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ReplyDeleteMaureen, your journey is full of bold steps. I like what you're doing.
ReplyDeletePeople with rape and any abuse experience hardly speak up and when they do, it's mostly a blame game.
Keep keeping the hopeless hopeful.
Motivating and inspiring... Keep up the good work Maureen
ReplyDeleteI love ds. Maureen God bless your courage and strengthen your campaign... The Court (@ busa) ur eternal blessings will strt frm here on earth till u reach heaven. I love ur foundation