One in every five of the world’s out-of-school children is in Nigeria;the gap to bridge in education is massive. But each step we take in the right direction makes the difference. This month on Project- Inspire,we spoke with Joseph Effiong(Founder of Golden Schools and Executive Director of Make A Life Foundation) about the action he is taking to bridge this gap.
Below is the excerpt of our interview
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Can we meet you?
Joseph : I am Joseph Effiong, a Teacher who's poised to imbue solutions in every learner and a social entrepreneur who's concerned about providing quality education for low-income commmunities. I am 29 years old and I hail from Inua-Abasi Effiat, Mbo L.G.A, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: Tell us briefly your childhood experience.
Joseph:I grew up away from my parental home. I spent my childhood in the hands of a Priest who my Mum said I fell in love with as a child. Growing up in the hands of a strict disciplinarian fed my childhood with the good, bad and ugly. Frustrated by my inability to meet certain ‘good boy’, standards ,my foster father (priest) saw verbal abuse as the correctional tool for my juvenile delinquency. That's why today,I advocate against verbally abusing children as a disciplinary measure.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What’s your educational background?
Joseph: I obtained my First School Leaving Certificate from Timas International Nursery/Primary school, Calabar South and proceeded to National Secondary Commercial School, Oron, where I completed my secondary school. I hold a Bachelor of Education Degree (Social Studies) from the University of Uyo.
PROJECT_INSPIRE:What are your contributions towards making Nigeria a better place?
Joseph: I am passionately involved in solving the problem of ethical leadership in Nigeria/Africa through early child education and advocacy. I raise self-reliant rural kids through the introduction of skills oriented education. This is achieved through my school “Golden Schools Ibaka” which started with 30kids in September 9, 2008 and is situated in a rural community.Rural children are often left unreached with no quality education that will guarantee a fulfilling future. My work is to bridge this gap by providing excellent education that pays for itself. At Golden Schools Ibaka,we train young learners to see themselves as a solution not a problem. Skills like photography, baking and public speaking remain our priority for the rural child. So far,we have churned out not less than 100 young agents of change who are doing so well in their academic pursuit.
Through my Non-profit organization-Make A Life Foundation, I began #KickOutVerbalAbuse Campaign in an attempt to eradicate the old form of parenting (verbal abuse) in our homes thereby creating a safer place for the child. More than 2,000 parents have been reached across three local government areas in Akwa-Ibom State.
PROJECT_INSPIRE: What motivated you to do what you are doing?
Joseph: The desire to bridge the gap that exists between children in urban and rural areas drives me.I am also challenged not to allow any child go through the trauma I endured.
PROJECT_INSPIRE:What has been your major challenge since you began your non-profit organization?
Joseph: The people in the areas we carry out our operations undervalue education and this has made it difficult for us to attract and retain qualified teachers. It has also been difficult to convince parents to accept the recommendations we make with regards to the education of their children. Funding has slowed our plans generally.
PROJECT_INSPIRE:Could you please share with us one or two experience(s) you have had in the course of your campaign that has/have impacted on you?
Joseph: The eureka moment was when one of my kids (Daniel Asukwo Tom alongside his ICT Teacher) visited my school to find out what and how Daniel was trained to be very good in computer such that he was the one mentoring his classmates. The teacher who was surprised to see a local school with not much facilities ( but with great impact), poured encomiums on me and promised to support us with a laptop before the next session.
This testimony from a mother who have been part of our #KickOutVerbalAbuse Campaign really touched my heart:
" I used to abuse my children by saying God punish you, your child will do to you what you have done to me. I did all these unknowingly and today I have realized my mistakes through your teachings. I will never abuse my children again".
PROJECT_INSPIRE:Many young people have great ideas, but lack of funds is always a stumbling block. What’s your advice in this regard?
Joseph:Finance is always a problem. But our youths must first think of a self-reliant economy. Take up a skill or learn a trade. Let your determination to solve a problem leap you beyond any financial limitation. The truth is that some of us want to make quick money and fame forgetting that everything takes time to mature. It is important that we learn to follow the process and keep solving problems no matter how challenging it is. Light will shine on you one day.
PROJECT_INSPIRE:How has the reaction of people especially fellow young people been like when they see you do what you do and how have you always responded to them?
Joseph: When I first taught a nursery school precisely nursery one, my friends ridiculed "your work is to park children faeces." I laughed and walked away ashamed but something kept pushing me to move forward.
PROJECT_INSPIRE:How have you been able to raise money to implement your ideas?
Joseph: Ninety percent of our funding comes from me and about 10% from friends.
PROJECT_INSPIRE:What are your prospects in the next 5 or 10 years?
Joseph :In the future,we want to train at least 100 competent and passionate teachers in Akwa Ibom State and reach out to at least 300,000 parents through our #KickOutVerbalAbuse campaign.
PROJECT_INSPIRE:The final word for the Nigerian youth.
Joseph : Love God, be purposeful and productive.
PROJECT_INSPIRE:We are glad to have you speak with us today.
Joseph : It is my pleasure. Keep up the good work.
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